Our Bitcoin Spreads let you trade the price of
Bitcoin (based on the trusted TeraBit IndexSM)without having to own bitcoins. There's no need
for wallets or conversion, since the contracts are settled in US dollars.
Best of all, it's
as easy to trade price drops as it is to trade rallies. Short-selling Bitcoin is as easy as
buying when you use Bitcoin Spreads.
As the price of Bitcoin varies up and down, the
spread's value moves as well, but with limits. Above the ceiling or below the floor, the value
of the spread stops moving and remains at its upper or lower limit (depending on whether you are
a buyer or seller).
In this way, your risk-reward remains within a defined range. One limit
is your profit target. The other is your guaranteed protection against unlimited losses.
Since its "hacker" beginnings, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency have gone mainstream and soared in
value. More traders than ever want to add cryptocurrencies to their portfolios.
However, the
volatility makes the Bitcoin market good for short-term trades, not just "buy and hold."
Our Bitcoin Spreads allow you to take short-term positions on the price of Bitcoin, with
risk-reward protections built in. Selling is as easy as buying, meaning you have profit
opportunities no matter which direction the Bitcoin market is trending.
Trade the price of
Bitcoin without buying and selling the bitcoins themselves. No "mining," no risk exposure
outside your comfort level—you can just trade with all the benefits of our platform: limited
risk, transparent price, and CFTC regulation.